Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

The Well is founded on the idea of bringing teenage children, starting at 6th grade, through college up to the edge of adulthood. Our mission is "To make a Christ like difference in the next generation of leaders and influences in the world. To teach them how to grow in their faith while bringing others from different walks of life to Christ."
We have so much going on in this world. We have constant developments of technology with the internet literally in our pocket, social division, mass killings, and list goes on. All of these things have a huge impact on all of us. I think we can all agree that it is hard to go out and face these things in our daily lives and continue to live as a Christian. While we as parents do our best to censor our children from these things, its inevitable they will experience some of these things if not all of them. The Well is led to help teach our youth and give them the guidance and education needed to address and deal with the issues and problems they face. Not to mention give them a base for life as a Christian adult.
Tyler Hutchens, Youth Pastor
We have so much going on in this world. We have constant developments of technology with the internet literally in our pocket, social division, mass killings, and list goes on. All of these things have a huge impact on all of us. I think we can all agree that it is hard to go out and face these things in our daily lives and continue to live as a Christian. While we as parents do our best to censor our children from these things, its inevitable they will experience some of these things if not all of them. The Well is led to help teach our youth and give them the guidance and education needed to address and deal with the issues and problems they face. Not to mention give them a base for life as a Christian adult.
Tyler Hutchens, Youth Pastor
Join us!
Sunday Mornings - 9:30 am
Join us in the youth room for an in-depth conversation as we go over the Word of God before the 10:30 service.
Wednesday Nights - 7:00 pm
Pastor Tyler and his team would love to see you for our main youth gathering Wednesday evenings in the NextGen sanctuary. There will be games, youth-led Worship, and the Word!